“I Heart House Calls” is a web series produced by the Home Centered Care Institute that features stories told by the people of home-based primary care, those who provide house calls and those who have experienced their life-affirming impact.

In this special two-part webisode, K. Eric De Jonge, M.D., Executive Director of MedStar House Call Program, Director of Geriatrics at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and President of the American Academy of Home Care Medicine (AAHCM), shares what he feels is unique about house call medicine, one of his most memorable patient stories, and what he tells residents to inspire them to consider a career in HBPC.

I Heart House Calls - K. Eric De Jonge, M.D. Part 1  https://youtu.be/kfXdvHiEBSc
I Heart House Calls - K. Eric De Jonge, M.D. Part 2  https://youtu.be/0CyW-80qNsg

Have house calls made an impact on your life? Regardless of whether you’re a provider, a family member, caretaker, or patient, if house calls have made an impact on your life, we’d love to hear from you and share your story. Contact HCCI at 630-283-9200 or info@hccinstitute.org!