Date: 4|11|2024

Building on two previous phases of an ongoing initiative to advance home-based primary care in the U.S., The John A. Hartford Foundation (JAHF) has launched Moving and Scaling Home-Based Primary Care Phase III: Quality, Training, Advocacy, and Policy. This most recent grant phase supports JAHF’s overall mission of creating age-friendly health systems and represents the collaborative efforts of four organizations, most recently adding a focus on policy as a lever to promote home-based primary care:

“This next phase of the work to expand access to home-based primary care is very exciting and builds on the excellent collaboration between the National Home-Based Primary Care Learning Network, Home Centered Care Institute, and American Academy of Home Care Medicine," said Scott Bane, JD, MPA, Senior Program Officer at The John A. Hartford Foundation. "The addition of the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy to the group is helping to ensure that policymakers are aware of these impressive gains so that older adults who are home-bound or home-limited have access to high-quality, age-friendly health care.”

About The John A. Hartford Foundation

The John A. Hartford Foundation, based in New York City, is a private, nonpartisan, national philanthropy dedicated to improving the care of older adults. The leader in the field of aging and health, the Foundation has three priority areas: creating age-friendly health systems, supporting family caregivers, and improving serious illness and end-of-life care. For more information visit and follow @johnahartford.