Crossroads of Care: Managing Serious Illness in the Home (Session 2 of 4)


With the usage of value-based care models growing, the need for home-based primary and palliative care is on the rise. In many programs across the country, though, these two models have operated separately. There is, however, an increasing need for them to work more closely together to increase access to holistic, seamless care for patients further upstream that can improve outcomes and reduce cost. During this session, The Intersection of Home-based Primary Care and Palliative Care (second in a four-part series), you will explore the benefits and opportunities of bringing together these two models of care to provide a full-service solution for managing serious illness and chronic disease, and you will review with our expert faculty real-life case examples showing how this can be done.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, you will be able to do the following:

Examine the forces behind the rise of home-based primary care (HBPriC) and home-based palliative care (HBPalC) and review the ways in which these two models of care intersect.

Assess new opportunities available to HBPriC and HBPalC through recently introduced advanced payment models.

Discuss case examples of how HBPalC and HBPriC were brought together to provide a full-service solution for managing serious illness and chronic disease.


This activity is primarily intended for health system leaders, payers, and administrators or providers from hospice/palliative and primary care programs that are considering adding or expanding service lines to their home-based practices.


Paul Chiang, MD
Senior Medical and Practice Advisor, Home Centered Care Institute (HCCI)
Medical Director, Northwestern Medicine HomeCare Physicians

Rebecca Ramsay, MPH, BSN
Chief Executive Officer, Housecall Providers


The Home Centered Care Institute gratefully acknowledges support for this activity in the form of a grant from Elea Institute, dedicated to advancing care for people with serious illness. Learn more at

Additional Resources

Session #2 Slides