As home-based primary care (HBPC) expands across the U.S., we’re reminded of how critical this model of care is, particularly during a Public Health Emergency like COVID-19. Because of this, and more than ever, HBPC providers must keep infection surveillance, prevention, and control efforts top-of-mind to protect patients, caregivers, household family members, and themselves. To this end, HCCI offers these important reminders for providers about basic infection control strategies:
- When scheduling appointments, ask about the travel history and current state of health of the patient and all household contacts.
- Use proper hygiene and follow recommendations for transporting, storing and disposing of supplies.
- Disinfect the medical bag and supplies before and after every visit.
- Assess the home environment before entering and use appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE).
- Position the medical bag and laptop/tablet on clean, dry surfaces, out of reach of children and pets.
For more information about practical infection control strategies for HBPC providers, download HCCI’s Infection Control Resource Guide. You can also access more information and resources on the HCCI COVID-19 Information Hub, including HCCI’s online course, Infection Control in Home-Based Primary Care, available at no cost now through June 30, 2020.