With the usage of value-based care models growing, the need for home-based primary and palliative care is on the rise. In many programs across the country, though, these two models have operated separately. There is, however, an increasing need for them to work more closely together to increase access to holistic, seamless care for patients further upstream that can improve outcomes and reduce cost. If you’re working in a fee-for-service (FFS) model, you bill each time you provide a service without the opportunity to be paid on quality outcomes. As a result, the financial resources to enhance your patients’ quality of life may be limited. Value-based payment arrangements are increasingly common, and the prevalence of payer contracts recognizing the value of home-centered care for homebound, seriously ill patients has been a game changer. During this session, Contracting with Payers to Demonstrate the Value of Home-Centered Care (last in a four-part series), you will learn strategies to demonstrate the value of home-based primary and palliative care when negotiating with payers, and to ultimately secure the necessary funding to support high-needs patients and maintain your program’s financial sustainability.